Episode 276

#276 | MORATORIUM! Celebrate the Small Victories But Don't Get Complacent! | The Political Spotlight


September 3rd, 2024

2 hrs 21 mins 53 secs

Your Hosts
Special Guest

About this Episode

A LOT is happening all at once! But the BIG news that must be discussed right up front is the "Moratorium" that the Delaware County, Indiana Commissioners placed on "industrial solar" COUNTY-WIDE for the next six months (Starting: Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024. & Ending: 1201 a.m. Saturday, March 1st, 2025)!

This is a SMALL VICTORY! And it is more than ok to celebrate it! BUT DO NOT GET COMPLACENT!

Be thankful! Thank God and thank the officials for what has happened here, but realize who you are dealing with and what you are dealing with when it comes to the Delaware County Commissioners.

Unfortunately, this has less to do with "doing the will of the people." And more to do with "shutting everyone up for a moment!"

It feels good, but they've played this hand before!

So take the night, take the week! Be happy and celebrate the win, but prepare... because a more significant battle is coming!

Delaware County Councilor Ryan Webb joins the episode as a Special Guest to offer his thoughts on the current "solar debacle" in Delaware County. From there, Host Kristopher H. Bilbrey gives his thoughts on the Commissioners' "Moratorium," what it means moving forward, what comes next, and much more!

The VIDEO Episode of 276: https://youtube.com/live/JQyEvONynU4 . . .


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'The Political Spotlight'
LIVE Sunday - Thursday @ 9 p.m. (ET)
Hosted by: Kristopher H. Bilbrey & Brandon Rudd
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Email: [email protected]
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