Episode 280

#280 | What More Can We Cram In? | The Political Spotlight


September 8th, 2024

1 hr 46 mins 9 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Host Kristopher H. Bilbrey lays out the busy political week ahead in this 280th episode!

  • Monday, August 9th, 2024, the Muncie City Council will hold two public hearings, the first starting at 630p, the second at 645p, and then the regularly scheduled monthly meeting will begin at 7p. This will be an important meeting with several items of interest likely to be covered! And then, of course, the team will go LIVE after the meeting (as close to 9p ET as possible) to break it all down.

  • Tuesday, August 10th, 2024, THE BIGGEST, MOST IMPORTANT DEBATE OF OUR LIVES... will air at 9p ET when Trump will meet Harris for the first (and most likely last time) on a debate stage to duke it out for 90 minutes. Bilbrey will discuss what will go on that night with the show! You will want to tune in for that information!

  • Wednesday, August 11th, 2024, The team is currently working to schedule a guest for that night's 9p ET show. If both sides can make it work, this will be a show you WILL NOT WANT TO MISS!

  • Thursday, August 12th, 2024, Will be a BIG day! The second LIVE Donald Rainwater for Indiana Town Hall Q & A Forum will start at 7p ET for those who want to submit questions that can be done at the following link: www.rainwaterforindiana.com/contact . . . Watch that Town Hall Forum LIVE or via replay by clicking the following link: bit.ly/RainwaterTownHall091224 . . . After the Town Hall Forum ends at 8p, the team will take an hour break and then return at 9p ET with a regular LIVE show.

  • Friday, August 13th, 2024, On what is generally a night off, The Political Spotlight will be ON LIVE with a 'Special Show' at 9p ET.

Bilbrey also goes through various essential points of Monday's Council Meeting and a few other bits and bobs! Busy episode - Busy week!

The VIDEO Episode of 280: https://youtube.com/live/VdQuPZC-ttY . . .


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'The Political Spotlight'
LIVE Sunday - Thursday @ 9 p.m. (ET)
Hosted by: Kristopher H. Bilbrey & Brandon Rudd
Produced by: Kate Thornburg
Email: [email protected]
© 2024 Lighthouse Studio.