Brandon "Brando" Rudd had been interested in local, state, and national politics for 25-plus years... but he jumped head-first into being involved in the political process in a big way in 2020 when he started working on a campaign for a candidate running for State Representative. Then, in 2021, Brandon had no other choice but to file a lawsuit against Indiana's District 33 State Representative JD Prescott (R) for violating his First Amendment rights by deleting questions Brandon had been trying to ask and then for outright blocking Brandon from seeing ALL of his Official Government page(s). The suit ended with the judge telling Prescott he had to either 1) allow Brandon and anyone and everyone else to access his social media page and he could not delete him or them... or 2) he could DELETE HIS ACCOUNT!

Prescott opted to delete his account, showing the whole of Indiana what a petulant little child he is! While this wasn't what Brandon had hoped for, it was a win nonetheless!

Brando also has zero tolerance for dishonesty, specifically from politicians, and he is passionate about holding them accountable for their bad behavior. Elected and appointed government officials are public servants, and if/when they are not serving the people, Brandon feels it is essential to call them out for that!

Brandon is a constitutional conservative, and though he identified as a Republican for most of his adult life, due to his disappointment with the Indiana Republican Party, he joined the Libertarian Party of Indiana in 2022. Brandon understands the importance of being an informed citizen and that party affiliation alone can determine little about politicians. The two-party system has been a detriment to our country for long enough, and we need to call out the bullcrap no matter which party it is coming from if we, indeed, want to see things get better.

On October 2nd, 2021, Brandon appeared as a Guest on the 168th episode of Kristopher H. Bilbrey's political podcast: "Perception IS Reality w/Kristopher H. Bilbrey."... Brandon & Bilbrey quickly became friends & in 2022, Brandon joined the team of producers on the "Perception IS Reality w/Kristopher H. Bilbrey" podcast. On September 27th, 2022, Brandon joined the other two producers: "The Vulgar Poets" = Niles & Kate Thornburg, as Guests on the 194th episode of "Perception IS Reality."

Brandon's 2 "Perception IS Reality w/Kristopher H. Bilbrey" episodes can be found here:
Ep #168:
Ep #194:

In August of 2022, Bilbrey asked Brandon if he would be interested in Co-Hosting a new program that was in the works with Bilbrey and a 3rd person whom Bilbrey had recently met. Brandon said yes, and with those 3 guys and the help of Producer Kate, 'The Bastards of Politics' launched on October 31st, 2022, as a new political commentary program and a network. The show was successful for a while and always picked up new listeners and viewers. However, due to different personalities and other 'irreconcilable differences, ' 'The Bastards of Politics' ended in August of 2023.

At that time, Bilbrey considered returning to one of his other shows or starting something new. And so it began in the first few days of August 2023. Bilbrey, Brandon, and Kate started working on a forever home for a brand of political commentary that is needed now more than ever!

Brandon, Bilbrey, Kate, and (her husband Niles) did just what they set out to do... they created not only a better program... but a space for an actual community where like-minded individuals can meet and discuss ideas. At the same time, folks with differing views and opinions can feel just as free to express themselves... so that good, honest, and often difficult conversations can be had! And that is just what they did with: "The Political Spotlight!"

The Political Spotlight is a politically driven opinion, news, & entertainment program.

The Political Spotlight is a platform that covers ALL things political on the local, state, and national fronts. Its mission is to identify and eradicate corruption within government and politics and to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. The show's message is clear: The old, corrupt way of doing business IS OVER! The goal is to empower all citizens with the knowledge and inspiration to get informed and involved.

The Political Spotlight team is committed to this mission.

Join the discussion & help change the world one conversation at a time!


LIVE episodes of The Political Spotlight air on YouTube: Sunday - Thursday @ 9p (EST)

Audio only episodes can be found at the following Home Link:
& on all podcast hosting sites!


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Connect with Brandon Rudd and the rest of the team on social media:


Connect with Brandon Rudd via email
@ [email protected] or [email protected]



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Brandon Rudd has hosted three Episodes.